July 22, 2013

Rocket Shooters


This is one of the cheapest, easiest, and most entertaining craft/toy for the kiddos. Rocket Shooters. All it takes is a straw (per person), some squares/rectangles of scrap paper (preferably construction paper or thicker), tape and scissors.


I got the idea from straws themselves. I’m never good at shooting the wrapper off of restaurant straws, but this makes it pretty fool proof. It’s pretty self explanatory, but just in case you are a visual learner, here you go:


1. Wrap the paper, fairly tight, but not too tight, around the straw. Tape it.
2. Put tape on the end
3. Fold it down a little
4. Wrap the rest of the tape around the paper.

Ta Da! Rocket Shooters (named by little G)


These are pretty plain and boring looking, but they do their job. I’m sure you could put some fins on them and dress them up a bit, if you have older kids (and more patience than me!).

IMG_2072  IMG_2073

My boys, especially little G – the 3 year old – loved playing with these and he was very entertained for hours.


Then I made some targets for him and the fun started all over again!


Not only are these Rocket Shooters cheap, easy & entertaining, they are easy to replace and if they get broken or lost it’s no big deal. Have fun!


diy with kiley


