February 6, 2014

Doormat makeover

UPDATE: I did this makeover with spray paint and it wore off in no time. I posted an updated ‘Doormat Makeover’ HERE.

I’ve had the same doormat for over a year now. Normally I wouldn’t care, except it said ‘JOY’…all year! Yes, we need joy every day of the year, I’m sure, but that’s beside the point. I needed a new doormat. Rather than buy one (that’s too easy), I decided to give our ‘JOY’ mat a makeover!


I did my best to clean it – by smacking it and blowing out the dirt and such.


Then I painted it with a base layer of Rust-Oleum dark gray 2x spray paint.

20140121_152134  20140121_152357

I made a stencil with my Silhouette. This was kind of a fail, in that it didn’t work the way I intended it to, but it did still work (for the most part). I cut it from vinyl, thinking the vinyl would stick to the mat. But it didn’t. At all. So I just laid it on top, and tried to spray paint straight above so it didn’t shoot under the stencil (using Rust-Oleum seaside double coverage spray paint).


And she’s done.


Any Mad Gab fans out there?!! I really like that game and also like coming up with Mad Gab phrases, like this one!

What do you think? Our front door looks much better than it did with the ‘JOY’, and it only took a couple coats of paint (and some wasted vinyl!). Any guesses as to what it actually says, not in Mad Gab language?!


{answer: families are forever}

diy with kiley