December 27, 2013

L week

We did L week a couple weeks before Christmas and the same week that we went to my little brother’s wedding. Needless to say it was a short L week, but I tried to get enough packed it. L is for Ladybug, Lights, Lamb, & Letters.

LADYBUG – (1) We started L week with a big letter L and traced it with his finger then put ladybug stickers on it. Once again, I made these stickers & made them 3 different sizes, for the next activity. (2) Using this paper with 3 leaf sizes, little G shorted the ladybugs on the corresponding leaves (big, medium, and small). (3) Using black paper & a hole punch, make a bunch of ladybug spots. Then using this ladybug counting page, add that many spots on each ladybug. (4) Ladybug snacks. I used mini leave cookie cutters and had them cut leaves from cheese & topped them with dried blueberries (the ladybugs). (5) Make ladybug rocks. Find random shaped rocks (or you can go for round rocks. Little G likes the long ones), paint them red, then draw a face & dots with a black marker.


LIGHTS – (1) We talked about all the different kinds of lights using this light page. He colored the lights & traced the Ls. (2) Using vinyl, I cut out uppercase ‘L’s on my silhouette and the boys went around to all the light switches in the house and put ‘L’s on them. (3) We did more light pages, including color by size, patterns, & color the ABC lights using scrabble letters to play the game. (I used this Christmas light font for that page) (4) Light search. I gave the boys head lamps & hid paper Christmas lights on the walls in their room & turned off the light. They loved using the headlamps to find them. (5) We put Christmas lights on their mini Christmas tree! A definite favorite of theirs! (6) candy Christmas lights treat. Very easy to make, and of course the kids are not going to turn down candy.


LAMB – (1) My little boys made lambs from their handprints (idea here). I traced their hands, little G cut out his hand (I cut out my 1.5 year olds) and then they added the glue & cotton balls. Cute little lambs! (2) I printed & laminated the L nursery rhyme HERE. He circled & counted all the L’s in the nursery rhyme ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’. (3) With a lamb stamp (from this Melissa & Doug set) little G stamped lambs in each square of a chart. My intention was to make patterns, but he had more fun mixing colors on the stamp pad and making cool looking lambs. (4) Read (or sing) Mary Had a Little Lamb. I love this book of Favorite Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose by Scott Gustafson, my boys made me read all of them after we read Mary Had a Little Lamb. (5) I made up these lamb pages. They include counting lambs, matching uppercase & lowercase lambs, coloring lambs, & coloring by size.


LETTERS – This wasn’t much of a preschool day. There is A LOT I could have done for ‘letters’ (like these) but we were leaving the next morning on a trip to my little brother’s wedding. I had little G help me with our Christmas cards/Letters and gave him some newly painted ABC magnets.
