November 10, 2014

Sunshine in a box

I’ve seen something like this pinned on Pinterest quite a bit, and I decided to send my friend a Box of Sunshine. It was to make up for missing her birthday, her son’s upcoming birthday, and the upcoming birth of her 2nd child (yes, I’m quite the slacker of a friend!!).


What I included in this Box of Sunshine:

  • Duck onsie (gender neutral)
  • Yellow tissue paper
  • Yellow book, “Big Dot, Little Dog” (for new baby)
  • Yellow hot wheels truck (for birthday boy)
  • Yellow star cookie cutter
  • Goo Gone
  • Yellow star post-it notes
  • Chocolate money


More of what I put in the Box of Sunshine:

  • Charleston Chew
  • Burts Bees Chapstick
  • Wet Ones
  • Yellow Sharpie
  • Duckie bath toy
  • Yellow bow tie (for birthday boy)
  • Yellow Sunshine card
  • Yellow stickers


And the rest of what was in the Box of Sunshine:

  • The yellowest Target gift card
  • Yellow sugar sprinkles
  • Dove chocolate (Carmel filling)
  • Yellow snack cups (for the kiddos)
  • Lemon Drops, old fashioned hard candy


And then I packaged it all up. Such a fun yellow box!!


It was pretty fun shopping for YELLOW things, centered around her birthday, her son, & a new baby. Most of what I found was at Target and the Dollar Store. I think I’m a fan of themed boxes now ;) Hopefully it brightened her day and made up for all the stuff I have, and am now, missing in her life.

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