I have to thank Deanna whose blog I was looking at when I found this quote on her side bar. I love it! I’m not much of a poetry/history fan, so I definitely had never heard this one before. But I must say, it is perfect for our marriage.
My love language is service and Grant’s is touch (read The 5 Love Languages). We both have to SHOW each other love in order for the other person to feel loved. Again, this quote is perfect for our marriage and is a really good reminder for us.
I designed the quote and layout in the Silhouette Studio and designed it around our kissy picture (By the way, sorry about the repeated kiss picture. Hopefully you don’t gag!)

First, we took a kissy picture. We actually took these pictures before I had even found the quote or decided on this project. We were taking pictures for another project I have in mind (which is going to be awesome)! This one just happened to be perfect for this quote. This picture was taken using the self-timer and a solid background.

Then, I removed the background so it was just us, nothing else in the picture.

I don’t have any of the fancy photo editing programs, so what I use is POWER POINT. It has a ‘remove background’ function (top left) under the format picture tab. I actually use this function a lot, particularly when I want to cut a picture with my Silhouette. Removing the background just makes it that much easier.

I saved that image as a picture and then imported it into the Silhouette Studio. It was easy to take that picture, trace it, and have the Silhouette cut it for me.

When it comes to vinyl, the hardest part for me is peeling (weeding) it. It either takes me way too long or I end up messing it up or ripping it or something to that effect. I managed to do it okay this time, but it still took way too long. Also, I need to remember to use a level rather than my eyeball to make things straight. I end up never getting things on the wall straight. So, don’t look too close!

I put it above out mirror in our bedroom, so I know at least I’ll be looking at it on a regular basis! Gotta remember to SHOW my love!

Vinyl details:
*font – Carpenter Script, 149.5 pt
*LOVE font - Mardian Demo, 261 pt
*vinyl – GreenStar Matte Black, 070M