December 30, 2013

Be Our Guest

Be Our Guest - jar with toiletries (free from hotels) for guests to use as they need when they stay at your house.

This is a very cute (and mostly free) project for your guests that may need a toiletry or two while staying at your house (Inspired by THIS). Before this project, I use to make fun of Grant all the time for taking the shampoos, conditioners, soaps, lotions, etc. from our hotel rooms. But now he’s calling me a hypocrite because I’m the first one to grab them when we’re there. I’ve created quite the collection, and now I have a great use for them, displayed in our extra bathroom for our guests to use as they need!

Aside from the free toiletries, you’ll need a cute jar to put them in and some vinyl for the “be our guest” quote. If you don’t stay at hotels, or haven’t accumulated enough of a stock pile, head down the travel-size aisle in Wal-Mart, Target, or the like, and stock up there.


I begged my sister to help me with the design. She has a little graphic design in her background, so I’m always bugging her for tips & suggestions. I’m pretty happy with the final layout. I uploaded this file to Google Drive. I used the fonts: ‘be our’ – Decker, and ‘Guest’ – Cantoni Pro.


As for the vinyl, I had a hard time deciding between white or black. In the end I went with white, personal preference.


Fill up the jar & place it strategically. Well, I guess only I need to place it strategically, because of my two little boys. I’d love to leave it on the counter by the sink, but I think I’ll have to leave it up high on the shelf where they can’t come close to touching it!

Be Our Guest - jar with toiletries (free from hotels) for guests to use as they need when they stay at your house.  IMG_4555

Be Our Guest - jar with toiletries (free from hotels) for guests to use as they need when they stay at your house.

{what you need}
Jar – I bought mine at Michaels (less then $5, with 40% off coupon)
Vinyl – Black or White
Fonts: ‘be our’ – Decker, ‘Guest’ – Cantoni Pro

diy with kiley



someday crafts letteringart