October 6, 2013

General Conference for kids

Watching General Conference with little kids around is pretty pointless in our house. I hate saying that, but these two boys are just crazy and constantly on the go and LOUD. I think I listened to half of one talk and a couple sentences of all the rest. Why try?! During those few sentences that I did hear, little G man was occupied with this fun little activity:


I found THESE printouts the other day and knew they would be perfect for little G. Today we only did dot stickers and dot-a-dot stampers. I might try doing other random stickers or have him write letters in the circles as well. One thing that was suggested by the site that I found the printouts was to do some kind of magnet activity with them. Maybe I could do something like that with him.

He really liked trying to find the picture of the one that was talking and saying what the big letter was on the page (for their last name).


The only problem was he didn’t have any to do during the speakers who weren’t the Apostles. We’ll see if I come up with something else for him to do during those!

diy with kiley