February 26, 2013

my latest sign and the WINNER

I LOVE using my scroll saw and cutting a board into something awesome! I have an[other] etsy shop called Remembories and I make a lot of wood signs for people. This is the most recent order, using their logo. Their logo is pretty fun, with the m & the hyphenated e. Love it!


Moving on. Thanks to all of you for liking The Baxter Boy on facebook, following our blog, etc, etc. The winner of the St. Patrick’s day, Green Inspired bow tie & suspenders is -


Please email me (thebaxterboy.bowties at gmail.com), facebook message, or send me a message through etsy. Let me know what your shipping info is, what print(s) you want and size for one bow tie & one pair of suspenders!!

February 24, 2013

‘Show Love’ quote


I have to thank Deanna whose blog I was looking at when I found this quote on her side bar. I love it! I’m not much of a poetry/history fan, so I definitely had never heard this one before. But I must say, it is perfect for our marriage.

My love language is service and Grant’s is touch (read The 5 Love Languages). We both have to SHOW each other love in order for the other person to feel loved. Again, this quote is perfect for our marriage and is a really good reminder for us.

I designed the quote and layout in the Silhouette Studio and designed it around our kissy picture (By the way, sorry about the repeated kiss picture. Hopefully you don’t gag!)


First, we took a kissy picture. We actually took these pictures before I had even found the quote or decided on this project. We were taking pictures for another project I have in mind (which is going to be awesome)! This one just happened to be perfect for this quote. This picture was taken using the self-timer and a solid background.


Then, I removed the background so it was just us, nothing else in the picture.


I don’t have any of the fancy photo editing programs, so what I use is POWER POINT. It has a ‘remove background’ function (top left) under the format picture tab. I actually use this function a lot, particularly when I want to cut a picture with my Silhouette. Removing the background just makes it that much easier.

image image image

I saved that image as a picture and then imported it into the Silhouette Studio. It was easy to take that picture, trace it, and have the Silhouette cut it for me.


When it comes to vinyl, the hardest part for me is peeling (weeding) it. It either takes me way too long or I end up messing it up or ripping it or something to that effect. I managed to do it okay this time, but it still took way too long. Also, I need to remember to use a level rather than my eyeball to make things straight. I end up never getting things on the wall straight. So, don’t look too close!


I put it above out mirror in our bedroom, so I know at least I’ll be looking at it on a regular basis! Gotta remember to SHOW my love!



Vinyl details:
*font – Carpenter Script, 149.5 pt
*LOVE font - Mardian Demo, 261 pt
*vinyl – GreenStar Matte Black, 070M

diy with kiley

February 22, 2013

Washer & Dryer Decals

When we first moved into our house (3 1/2 years ago) we didn’t have a washer and dryer and we weren’t in a position to buy new ones. Grant is a huge fan of craigslist and scored us some very used, but still in good working condition, washer and dryer for $125 total. The dryer lasted for almost 2 years and then we were looking again.

Yes, I’d love to get a brand new front loading washer and dryer, but we aren’t ready to throw down that kind of cash yet. So our second set of w/d came from an older couple in our church. They are just about as old as I am, but have been used way less than our previous set, because this older couple always left for half the year (winter) and these just sat in their house, unused. These cost us $ZERO! Even better.

Since I can’t have the brand new, shiny front loaders, I decided to dress up these old suckers. I found a design I liked (search ‘flourish’ or ‘swirl’) and had my wonderful Silhouette cut it for me in three different colors and I varied the sizes.


The trickiest part of the whole process was deciding where to put the vinyl and putting it on with the help of a 2 1/2 year old!


In the end, it wasn’t a huge improvement to my laundry room, but it does make me a little bit happier when I’m in there. Now I just need to tackle the rest of the room!DSCF2104

*inspiration for the washer & dryer decals came from this post

*GreenStar Intermediate – Sunflower, 020
*GreenStar Intermediate – Middle Grey, 074
*GreenStar Intermediate – Chocolate, 080

diy with kiley




someday crafts

February 21, 2013

St. Patrick’s Day Giveaway!


I’m a fan of holidays. I try to celebrate a lot of the holidays, especially the big, obvious ones. But also the little, random ones that people usually don’t get work off for (like St. Patrick’s Day)! So, in honor of St. Patrick’s Day I decided to do a giveaway. This one is geared towards the little guys, sorry girls.

This giveaway is sponsored by my shop, The Baxter Boy. The Baxter Boy makes bow ties, suspenders, and newsboy hats (neckties coming soon) for little boys, ages 0 – 10. They are great for photo shoots, weddings, church, or just to dress the little guy up and make him look snazzy!

I’m giving away a St. Patrick’s Day inspired set (one GREEN bow tie & one GREEN pair of suspenders) to a lucky winner. When I say GREEN, I mean any bow tie or suspender that has green in it. If you look at my shop and type ‘GREEN’ in the search bar, any of the items that show up are what is up for grabs.

Here are a some of the options I have available (to see all of them look HERE).
image image 
image image

So, if you have a little boy, a grandson, a nephew, neighbor, or friend, between the ages of 0 – 10, that could use a green inspired bow tie & suspender set – you’ve come to the right place!

To enter (leave a comment for each that you do):

  • FOLLOW DIY with GK via google friend connect (see left sidebar)
  • LIKE The Baxter Boy on facebook HERE
  • Share this giveaway – via facebook, blogging, or tweeting (one entry each)
  • PIN your favorite bow tie or suspender (or both – one entry total)
  • FOLLOW The Baxter Boy board on Pinterest HERE

Winner announced 2/26. Only prints and sizes listed on my shop are available for the giveaway. Winner will have 48 hours to respond with their choice of bow tie, suspender, size and mailing address. If I don’t hear from them by then, I will pick a new winner. Prize will be shipped within 4 days after winner has responded.

diy with kiley

February 16, 2013

knock-off ‘hello’ shirts


I’m sure we’ve all seen the super cute ‘hello’ and ‘hi’ sweatshirts around. This shop definitely makes a very adorable sweatshirt. But I’m just not a fan of spending $35 for a piece of clothing that my kid will grow out of in a year or less, not to mention stain or somehow destroy before it can be handed down to the next kiddo.


So, to save some money I made a knock-off of my own. Instead of sweatshirts, I used some clearance short sleeve and long sleeve t-shirts for my boys.


[That’s a much better price than $35!]

And rather than copy their font, I used my own handwriting! I had to do a bunch of practice ones until I got the ‘hello’ and ‘hi’ that I liked best. I thought I’d try a ‘yo’ but I changed my mind in the end.


I use this feature a lot on my Silhouette. First I scan the things that I have handwritten, then I ‘import to my library’ in Silhouette. From then on it’s in my library and I can use it when ever I want. All you have to do is trace it so you can get the outline and the Silhouette will do the rest! Anyway, I used ‘hello’ and ‘hi’ for there shirts.


I used vinyl (from US Cutter) and peeled away the words. I transferred the vinyl to the shirts and used it as my stencil. Then, with some fabric paint from Joann’s, I painted in the ‘hello’ and ‘hi’ on the shirts. [don’t forget to put cardboard inside the shirt, so the paint doesn’t leak through to the back]. Let it sit for a few hours to dry, then peel away the vinyl and tada!


Overall it was a quick and easy project. Personally I think they turned out just as adorable as the real deal, only I saved about $90 for these three shirts. Since these were so easy, I decided to make a few other shirts. I’ll post about them when I have them done!



diy with kiley

*Disclaimer: I was inspired by but did not replicate the exact design. The shirts are different, application is different, the font is my own.




February 13, 2013

You’re a CUTIE! {easy healthy valentines}


I’ve been trying to live a little bit healthier these days because in January I became certified as an ACE Personal Trainer. I feel the pressure of needing to live up to that title, so there are A LOT more fruits and veggies in the house. I wish I could say there is less candy and junk, but I would be lying. BUT I know for a fact that I have brought less into our home than, say, last Valentines! Baby steps, folks.

So, for little G man’s valentines, I came up with a healthy alternative to the candy. I know it’s like going trick-or-treating and having someone give you a box of raisins or a toothbrush. It’s just no fun, and I’m sure the kids will just toss it aside and forget about it until all their “good stuff” has been eaten first.

Anyway, I had him decorate some CUTIES (aka: mandarines), which are totally delicious and kids have GOT to like these!DSCF2625I mean, come on. They are probably the CUTEst valentines there areWinking smile


Here’s a little HOW-TO (although, really it’s quite easy).

Step 1: make the tags. Fortunately I have a Silhouette and can do awesome stuff with it. So I designed the “You’re a CUTIE!” and “From (first name)” sticker tags on my Silhouette. Printed it on the printer, then cut it on the Silhouette. EASY!

[if you don’t have an awesome Silhouette, then you can print them out on sticker paper or regular printer paper and cut them out by hand.]

Step 2: Color. My printer is down to black ink only right now, so little G man stepped in and made them look a little brighter and fun. He is getting that scribble down pat!


Step 3: Stick both tags on the mandarin.


Step 4: Deliver to friends!


Little G man isn’t in school yet but he has a lot of friends around the neighborhood and from church. So today and tomorrow we will be out and about delivering some Cuties to a bunch of other cuties!



diy with kiley