We moved into our house in October 2009. Ever since I’ve been wanting to change the house number display because ours was hard to see, especially at night. I have been wanting to do something original and fun with our house numbers, not just numbers on the house siding by the door – boring (sorry if that’s the way you roll, I just wanted something different). I’m not a fan of “everyone else is doing it” styles and always try to be a little different than the rest. So this is what I came up with:

This is what our house number looked like, thanks to the builders and their wonderful placement. (I should have taken the picture from the road, for a real perspective.)

This was basically a project for Grant, all I did was give him my vision, pick out the rock and the numbers. He did all the rest! Thankfully my brother was willing to help with the rock. The one I picked out, as we were driving along on a gravel forest road, looked awesome from the truck and was still very awesome up close. But it was also very, very huge! Lets just say it was quite the process for these two to get it in the truck!

[first they rolled it up the bank so we could back the truck right under it]

[not as easy as it sounds, still had to move it on to the truck bed]

[and if you can’t tell, it was raining!]
It was also quite the ordeal getting it out of the truck and in the right spot! By this time it wasn’t just raining, it was also dark. They were troopers :)

We weighed the truck with the rock and without the rock, turns out it was over 600 lbs! Maneuvering a 600 lb rock to the perfect angle and location is not so easy. The next day Grant mixed some concrete and poured it around the base of the rock so it didn’t have a chance of moving (like tipping over and crushing our kiddos). It’s nice and solid now! He topped it off with some little rocks to cover the concrete.

Then came the fun part, putting on the numbers. Grant recently bought a concrete drill, which was perfect timing for this project. We placed the numbers.

He drilled the holes

Then we used E6000, of all things, and the screws that came with the numbers to attach them to the rock. Taped them in place and let it dry overnight

And now we have a darling display for our numbers. You can see the difference between the two (still need to take those numbers off the post!!)

I’m totally in love!! Thank goodness Grant is amazing! I give him my vision and he follows through, EVERY time! Love it :)

[the spotlight is a must. solar powered and now you can see the numbers at night!]
Project details:
*rock from the woods = free
*labor from husband and brother = free :)
*concrete left over from the neighbors building their fence = free
*house numbers = $1.86 each at Home Depot
*E6000 = already had it
*concrete drill = already had it
*spotlight = $5 at Target
Total for custom house number display = $10.58
I painted the inside of the plastic numbers, so you can see them a little better. I used model paint (from Michaels), which is water proof and will hopefully withstand Montana weather! I used silver, but I might put a top coat of white to make it stand out just a little more.