September 10, 2013

A is for Ant & Aunt

This isn’t a preschool blog, but I will be trying to do a lot more preschool activities with my 3 year old so why not post them!? Today we started with A is for Ant and Aunt. I tried to help him understand there are two different kinds of ants/aunts. We started with a big letter A on a piece of paper and he put ant stickers on it.


Then we did Aunt. I made this sheet with pictures of all his aunts and with Grant and I in the middle (as you can see, he has a lot of aunts, and 3 more yet to come!). I made Grant and I in color and the aunts were in grey, and little G man drew a line in the same color as Grant or I to our sisters (and in laws), then colored them the matching colors. Hopefully from this he now understands that his aunts are our sisters, and that aunts are different than ants (so confusing for little kiddos!).



Next we went outside and looked for ants. We had a magnifying glass that my sister gave him last year for preschool and he loved looking through it to find the ants. We put a little honey in a paper cup (my sister makes a cute little ant restaurant instead) and we went back outside later that afternoon and found even more ants!

IMG_2634photo by little G man