September 22, 2013

B week

Instead of posting each day of our preschool, it’s just going to be a weeks worth (or the majority of the week). If you want some good, in-depth and well-put-together preschool ideas, check out my sister’s blog – Preschool Alphabet. This week we tackled the letter B. We did Balloons, Body/Boy, Balls, Birds, Butter and on Sunday we did Baptism.

BALLOONS – we played with all sorts of balloons: birthday balloons, water balloons, and huge bobber balloons. We started with the big letter B and taped balloons on it. Then colored a picture of random shaped balloons I drew. I tried to make him draw ‘B’ in the balloons, but he only did it in one! They we played with all the balloons. He found all the Blue Balloons with B’s on them and then got to pop all of them! Water balloons were a big hit too.


BODY/BOY -  I think the best part about this ‘B’ day was looking through one of my anatomy books. Little G was pretty intrigued by the bones and muscles under the skin. I printed just a picture of my boys heads and had little G draw a body and put hand and feet stickers on them (makes me laugh!). I also made some magnets, one of each of us, they are covered with contact paper so he could use a dry erase marker to circle body parts on each.

MAGNET HOW-TO: I used label sticker paper (half sheets are what I have, found HERE, or full sheets HERE) and a sheet of magnet (like THIS). Using power point, nothing fancy here, I used the “remove background” tool under the ‘format picture tab’. Print the picture on the sticker paper then put it on the magnet sheet. I covered it with contact paper then cut around the image.

Other things we did – sang ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ and traced his body on a large piece of newsprint.


BALLS – This could also be a great "S is for Sports" day. We talked about basketball, soccer, football, and baseball. I did each sport separate and first showed a youtube video of the sport being played. He got to see the field or court, the ball, and how they played. Then I gave him the ball stickers for that sport and he put them in the square on the ball paper. After that we played the sport for a little while. It was a rainy day, so all of it was inside…and nothing was broken at the end!


Baseball is by far his favorite right now, probably because of the bat. He doesn’t get soccer yet, he kept picking the ball up and throwing it at the goal.IMG_2767

BIRDS – This was a pretty fun preschool day. We read a Zoodles magazine we recently got on Backyard Birds. Then little G colored a picture and wrote uppercase and lowercase B’s. After that we went outside and checked out the bird house that was occupied earlier in the summer. After dealing with a bee hive and a stubborn roof, I finally got into it and found an awesome nest and 5 little eggs. We are assuming our neighbor cat got to the parents while we were on vacation, kinda sad! Anyway, he got to see little bird eggs and a nest and lots of feathers.

We went on a bike ride before lunch and a drive after lunch to go “bird watching” (and to fall asleep for nap time!!). We found a few and heard them chirping and tweeting too. For our snack we made some bird nests with marshmallow eggs. Their favorite part was probably the dollar store fake, crafty birds. At the park they were taking them on all the swings and slides and being so nice to them. Pretty cute!


BUTTER – I didn’t know what else to do for butter besides MAKE it! All you need is a jar with a lid, whipping cream, and to speed things up, a marble. Then you shake and shake and shake until it solidifies. Little G was pretty impressed. Butter is one of his favorites for sure. We all took turns shaking it and once it turned into butter I let little G man spread it on his toast. Then he painted “butter” on pictures of other foods (using yellow paint).


BAPTISM – We did this on Sunday as well as for Family Home Evening. We watched John the Baptist Living Scriptures movie then “colored” the picture. Little G preferred to cut and glue instead of color. That was about it, aside from talking more about baptism and showed him how to do it.


‘B’ week!