September 18, 2013

Menu Chalkboard


I made this menu chalkboard with a little help from Grant. Overall it’s a really easy project. Grant milled the lumber (of course) and I cut it to size and cut the ‘frilly’ parts on the top and bottom. I was inspired by the Organic Bloom style, but I didn’t want to go straight up Organic Bloom style, so I only cut the top and the bottom corners using a template I got online. Then routered the edges and sanded, A TON!

IMG_2766[family silhouette HERE]

I used chalkboard spray paint and it was pretty darn easy if you ask me. I had to put 3 or 4 coats, just to get it all even and smooth (I sanded in between the layers a little). Grant also put in a keyhole in the back to hang it up (using the router), similar to THIS one.


This is always hanging in my kitchen now. Most weeks I write up a new menu, sometimes it doesn’t change or even get looked at for days and days. These are some more past menus, if you care!


And another great use for this menu chalkboard is for the little ones learning their letters! I’m tempted to use more of that chalkboard spray paint and make a longer board for him to practice his letters on! Something about writing on a chalkboard, I tell ya!


diy with kiley