September 11, 2013

A is for Apple


Preschool today was A is for Apples. I started with reading my boys a book about apples – Apples Grow on Trees. Then we sat at the table where we always do preschool and gave little G man this paper to work on. [Little B man is only 20 months, and doesn’t really get it yet. I usually give him some play dough or crayons and paper while G man does his preschool work.]


He traced a couple A’s, then was bored with it and went to the last row to write his own A’s. From the book he learned that apples are red, yellow or green, or a mixture of those colors. So he grabbed those 3 crayons and colored all the apples – each one a little different!

I had a couple apples from the store and I let him use our apple corer slicer peeler. Both my boys thought it was a pretty fun “toy”.


With the apples they peeled, sliced and cored, I made homemade applesauce, which they both gobbled. Warm, homemade applesauce is so much better than any other kind of applesauce!


We have about 6 acres of land not far from our house and there are two apple trees on it. We drove over there and picked a small box full of very, VERY tart apples. They obviously aren’t quite ready to eat raw yet, but they are perfect for cooking. They picked to their hearts content then we went back home for more fun.

IMG_2662 IMG_2671


Again, we used the apple corer slicer peeler and peeled about 10 or so small apples and I made two apple crisps – THIS recipe. Little G man would have loved to peel about 50 more apples, but I didn’t want to make apple crisps for the whole neighborhood!


A is for Apple!!

diy with kiley

