January 8, 2014

Cub Scouts – Wolf Achievement 3

This past week I did Wolf achievement 3 in Cub Scouts. It was a pretty fast den meeting, but we covered all of it and a few other electives.

Achievement 3a. I made this Habits of Good Health Chart for them to take home and keep track of their health habits for 2 weeks.


Achievement 3b. We talked about how to prevent spreading colds (ie: covering your coughs & sneezes with your elbow instead of your hands). It’s a pretty easy achievement to check off.

Achievement 3c. I brought some Band-Aids with me (and made sure they were crazy so the boys thought they were cool!). I made them roll play with each other and told them who had a “cut” and who had to take care of them. By the third boy, they all had it down pretty good – and they looked great with their Band-Aids on their faces, necks, hands, etc!

Another Achievement done!
(for more cub scout ideas, click HERE)

diy with kiley