January 29, 2014

M week

I have been slacking with preschool lately. Ever since Christmas I haven’t been putting as much effort into it as I did before. I’ll get it gear soon enough, hopefully!

Music – We started with the big letter M, traced it with his finger & then put music note stickers all along it. Now that he knows what music notes are, he can find them in books & understands that it means ‘music’. They did these music note pages that I made & lastly I gave my boys different types of musical instruments (dollar store types) – ie: kazoo, harmonica, and tambourine. 


Monster – This was a fun day. It’s wasn’t as much preschool as it was little B’s birthday! We had a monster themed party, so there were monsters all over. You can read more about the monster party HERE. Aside from the cupcakes & balloons, I had little G help me draw scary faces on the monster decorations & all the kids got to make their own monster by coloring a blank monster & gluing on eyeballs they found hidden in play dough.


Money [ideas from HERE] – (1) We did another big letter M, traced it and put coin stickers on it. (2) I hid some coins in their tubs of rice/wheat & they dug and played in them until all the money was found. When little G found his, he separated them by size & color (then we talked about what the different names were). (3) With the pennies he found (5 of them) he played a heads & tails game. I printed out a sheet that he could chart what he got each round (heads or tails). (4) I helped him rub the different types of coins on paper with crayons, the heads & tails side or each (idea from HERE). (5) We played a little counting game my sister gave me. (6) I made him a paper wallet with some fake dollar bills & set up a very simple grocery store. He got to ‘buy’ what he wanted for his lunch. Probably his favorite thing to do all day!


diy with kiley



