April 10, 2013

Calendar for the kids

Another long project that has taken me way to long to get started and finish. But it is finally done and I love it! This is totally inspired by my sister’s calendar. In fact, I called her a few times making sure I was doing it right :) Here is a really fun, cool & entertaining calendar for little kids.


This is a magnetic calendar, so the backdrop is metal. I used pieces that Grant cut off an old air duct he had laying around, so that was free for me! He also put together a frame for it and routered the inside so that the metal sheets and the backing could sit in flush with the frame.


Rather than have air duct sheet metal as the background, I opted to paint it grey. Which for one, makes it look a little sleeker and less metal-like, but for two, I couldn’t for the life of me keep it from getting scratched. I had to respray it a few times. The last time I sprayed it, I drew the lines on it and after I was done I immediately dropped it on the garage floor and scratched it up all over again. OH. WELL!


Grant added some awesome rivets which I think look sweet, but he did it mostly for architectural reasons (holding the sheet metal on to the backing). It’s a fun addition!


Then came the days, dates, months, and all the other fun things that happen throughout the year! My sister gave me a lot of ideas, and then of course I customized it to include annual, monthly and other random things that happen around here. If you want some of the ones I did (minus the pictures of us on mother’s day, father’s day and our anniversary) you can get it HERE.


On the backs of each is a little strip of magnet tape.


Little G man helped me put the numbers up (which is a GREAT way for him to learn his numbers, still working on those!) and then we added the special days: ei – April Fools Day, Home Depot kids workshop, General Conference, Earth Day, Race (running my first marathon!!!) etc.


We hung it up high enough that neither boy can reach it, but not so high that little G man can’t reach it with a chair (since it is a calendar for him!).


Now all I need is the cool bendy, sticky wax thing (Wikki Wax) that my sister uses to circle the day it is!

***Template for calendar days, dates, and month letters—> HERE.

 diy with kiley