September 18, 2013

A is for the ABC’s (the alphabet)

Yet another preschool post! This preschool day was A is for the ABC’s, or the alphabet. We invited our neighbor buddy over for this one! First we sat and read a book that went through the ABC’s. Each one had to find the letter and say what that letter says.

Then they traced the letters and matched stickers to them.  I printed out the alphabet on one 8.5” x 11” paper (see below), the letters are the same size as the ABC stickers I had. After they traced the letters, then they matched the stickers to the letters on the paper. They got a little bored with it halfway through, but the competitiveness in my little G man came out and it ended up being a race to see who could finish first!


Then we made some alphabet sugar cookies. I made the dough beforehand and put it in the fridge until we got to this part. I use THIS sugar cookie recipe. I got these cookie cutters at a garage sale before I even had kids, they are finally coming in handy!


While the cookies baked, we went outside and did another letter matching game. On one side of the yard, taped to the house I had all the letters on separate notecards. Part of the alphabet I wrote in one color and the other part in a different color, one for each boy.


On the other side of the yard, taped to the fence was this big sheet with all the letters. They had to go from one end to the other and match the letter they found to the letter on the big paper. My little G man, again too competitive, ended up taping as many as he could to his shirt and ran back and matched them all at once, instead of going back and forth. Competitive or efficient?!



After the cookies were frosted, we gave a bag to our neighbor and some more for his other friends.


A is for the ABC’s


  1. I am totally stalking you, but these are supper cute pictures!

  2. And that comment above was Brittany (from across the street!), what a creepy comment posted from and "unknown" person!
