October 13, 2013

E week

This week the boys were sick, so we again didn’t get as much preschool in as I had planned. Here are the days we did:

EYES: The main thing we did for eyes was the big letter E with googly eyes on it. Another activity we did was I blew up some balloons and drew eyes on them and taped them up outside (and each had a candy eyeball in them). They got to pop the color of ‘eyes’ that I said. I could tell they were getting sick because they didn’t even finish popping all the ‘eyes’, that’s unheard of with these boys!

IMG_3222  IMG_3163

EARTH: For earth little G colored the twistynoodle(.com) page of the Earth and wrote some letter E’s. We looked at Google Earth and saw where we live and where my sister lives (England) and where other family members live. He colored a blue circle and turned it into an Earth. Then we made earth cupcakes (white or yellow cake mix, with blue & green food coloring).


ELK: The boys in this house are kind of obsessed with Elk (and it’s hunting season). I made this Elk page (using Trace font). We were going to go out in the forest and use Grant’s elk bugle, but again, they weren’t feeling good, so we had to pass and only colored this picture.


EMOTIONS: I made some emotion face stickers and printed out this page of blank faces. We talked about different emotions and he guessed what emotion I was showing on my face and he tried to make it too. Then he filled in the blank faces with the different emotions. I also made a memory emotions game (little G doesn’t quite understand the concept of memory and taking turns, but we’ll get there!)



diy with kiley





  1. love the popping eyeball balloons! We're doing (catch up) eyes tomorrow and I have candy eyeballs! thanks!

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