May 27, 2013

Low maintenance flower bed

We did a little bit of yard work the other day. It’s definitely not one of our favorite activities, but we did it. What we worked on was the flower bed in front of our house. Something needed to be done because it was just growing weeds and turned into the boys dirt box to dig and play in.

First step, fill it with more dirt - FREE. Luckily we have some land not too far away, as skid steer and a truck, and we were able to get a scoop of dirt no problem.

Next, lay down some plastic. Normally you would use landscaping fabric for this part, but what’s the point of paying twice as much for “landscaping” stuff when you can buy “painters” stuff to do the same job.


Grant found this plastic in the paint section at Home Depot. A HUGE roll for only $10. We used about 10 feet of it, maybe. So now we have more for our next project, if there is one (or just a huge slip’n’slide!!).


Grant was awesome and made sure the plastic was tucked into every nook and cranny. There will be NO weeds growing in this bed! To make it stay in place we used the landscaping rocks in the front, and some homemade staples in the back – wire, cut and bent.


There is no way anything is going to grown or even try to sneak up past that!


Last step, cut holes for the plants (we had 5 different shrubs), plant them and top with some mulch/bark.


We are absolutely NOT green thumbs. We have no idea what we are doing, nor do we really enjoy it as much as other things. It’s pretty much been last on our list for a while (years). But I will admit our front yard looks SOOOO much nicer now that we finished the flower bed (is that even what it’s called, it doesn’t have flowers in it, just shrubs?!). The best part, SUPER LOW MAINTENANCE (no weed pulling, EVER!).

diy with gk



