May 18, 2013

Operation Dream House: part 1 – buying land

Grant and I have always wanted to build our own house. Ever since we moved here and bought our first house Grant has been on the hunt for a good deal on land. Then one day, all of a sudden Grant found a killer deal for 6 acres, 1.5 miles from our house. It had only been on the market for a couple days and within the week we were getting things going.


We finally signed and paid for the land (with a stinkin loan of course) in the middle of January. Buying land (and homes) is such an ordeal, all the paperwork that has to be signed. I swear you have to make at least one mark on each and every page they give you, initials or signature. But that part is long over and hopefully we wont be doing that again for a while!

Step one of building our dream house is done! Now, for the next couple of years, we will be paying off the land, looking at house plans and deciding what to do with all that land! Every time I go out there I realize how huge 6 acres actually is. It’s a pretty fun process, but if only we had all the time and money in the world so we could just get started building!


But for now, Grant is using it as storage for all of his huge logs, skid steer (bobcat), and sawmill parts…and now target practice with his new bow (early Father’s Day present). At least now our house doesn't look like a junk yard!!

diy with kiley