This turkey was inspired by this hand print turkey craft I saw. I almost replicated it, but I can’t pass up an opportunity to cut something out of wood, so instead I made our family hand turkey like this!
If we had anymore kids in our family, this would be really plump turkey. The hands are about an inch thick, making it about 5” fat :) If you want one for your family, check out our etsy shop – Remembories.
This hand turkey also came in handy when we did H is Hands for preschool (lots of ‘hands’ in that sentence!). The boys really liked playing with them, matching up their hands and stacking them. Pretty fun & unique blocks to play with!
One of my favorite things to decorate my house with is personalized décor. This definitely fits that requirement! Doesn’t get much more personalized than each of our hands and my 3 1/2 year old’s hand written “FAMILY” on the ‘thankful for’ pumpkin. Probably my favorite Thanksgiving/fall décor so far :)
{What you need}-Scroll saw
-Wood (I used 1 x’s but if you have a larger family, I’d recommend something thinner)
-Hands to trace!
-Spray paint: fall colors
*Rust-Oleum Colonial Red 2x coverage![]()
*Rust-Oleum Sun Yellow 2x coverage![]()
*Rust-Oleum Real Orange 2x coverage![]()
*Rust-Oleum Espresso 2x coverage![]()
*Rust-Oleum Nutmeg 2x coverage![]()
-Clear coat: Rust-Oleum Gloss Clear 2x coverage![]()
-Vinyl (very small pieces of black, yellow & red) for the turkey’s face
I’ve also made these turkeys with different colors (click picture for actual post & additional info):
You can purchase a personalized hand turkey at Remembories