November 28, 2013

The Mayflower

I saw this Thanksgiving Mayflower decoration yesterday (the day before Thanksgiving) and I had to make it. Overall it took zero dollars and just over a half an hour, including drive time to get the barn wood and sticks but minus the time I had to glue the old, broken wood back together :/


First I had to load the boys in the truck and drive to our land (mile and a half away). There is an old barn there, so any time I want barn wood, there it is! I found a couple good pieces and some sticks and we drove home. 20 minutes max.


Then I traced out a boat shape. I tried to do it as similar to her Mayflower, I’m not an artist! Aaand, you can’t really see it. It’s in pencil…but it’s there. 2 minutes.


Cut it on the scroll saw. 3.5 minutes.


Ta da, the Mayflower.


But I had to fix a few mishaps with the old, warped, falling apart wood.


I drilled some holes for the sticks and used construction paper for the flags/sails. 10 minutes.



diy with kiley