November 26, 2013

J week

It’s already J week! I planned 5 days but only 4 days actually happened – Jungle, Jump, Jingle Bells, & Jar/Jelly Beans. We didn’t do Journal, but all I was going to do on that day was have little G write in his journal. I’ll just have to do that some other day!!

Jungle – (1) I made some jungle animal stickers for the big J to start the week off. He put them all along the line of the uppercase J. (2) I sectioned off a paper into 6 section. Little G stamped used these jungle animals stamps and stamped 1 animal in the section with number 1, 2 animals in the section with number 2, etc. (3) I used these coloring pages but consolidated them onto one page. He colored them and would say “H-H-Hippo” etc. (4) He practiced his J’s (uppercase and lowercase). There are a lot of backwards J’s! (5) Similar to this jungle fun with letters idea, I made one and had him put the lowercase letters in the right category. Good awareness to the different shapes the letters make. (6) I laminated this animal counting page (and added the hippos pictures). Not pictured -  We played a matching shadows game and also a memory version of it.


Jump – (1) We made this twistynoodle mini book. (2) The rest of preschool was actual JUMPING. This video shows all the jumping things they did (this is where I got the ‘jump for a post it’ idea)

Jingle Bells – This was our short day. All I did was give them a bunch of jingle bells and some trays to sort them in. We also put some in balloons, which anything to do with balloons and they are happy. They ended up playing with the jingle bells ALL DAY!!


Jar/Jelly Beans – (1) We started with a few different sizes of jars and filled them up with wood beads. They filled them up, emptied them out, filled them up OVER AND OVER! (2) I cut our a jar shape and put _AR on it. We worked on rhyming words. It’s still a hard one for him. He said the sound that the scrabble letter made and then I added –ar. He kind of figured it out. Then with do-a-dot markers he added “jelly beans” to the jar. (3) Then we pulled out the real jelly beans! I gave him a handful of jelly beans and he sorted them by color. Then we graphed them and he counted out how many he had, which one had the most, which had the least, etc.



diy with kiley